What does it mean to be a non-union shop?

Becoming a non-union shop doesn’t mean we will treat our employees or the quality of our work any differently. StoneTree will continue to operate and manufacture products in the same manner we always have. Below you will find our response to some the of the key questions you may have with StoneTree becoming a non-union shop.


Our employees are, and will remain to be, paid union wages or above. We are proud of the fact that we are able to pay our employees fair and generous wages, and we will continue to do so. 


We are implementing healthcare and retirement plans that are consistent with those provided by the union. We are committed to providing our employees and their families with benefits that will assure the health and security of our employee’s futures.


StoneTree is known for its quality products, and we have no intention of providing anything less. We will continue our internal training program with our talented cabinet makers so that we can continue to exceed our client’s expectations for years to come.

We want to offer you comfort and confidence in StoneTree during this transition. Your business is a valued and crucial factor in our continued success. We are excited to move into this new chapter with your support. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments, and we will be happy provide more information.

StoneTree Fabrications

9 Production Parkway
Cahokia, IL 62206